Íme a 2,2 GB-os frissítés skinbéle tartalma.

Tegnap hajnalban megérkezett a várva-várt év végi CS:GO frissítés, amivel együtt egy új Operation is debütált. A 2,2 GB-os frissítés két kollekciót és egy új ládát is rejtett, név szerint az Operation Broken Fang láda, az Broken Fang Control és Broken Fang Ancient kollekció debütált, ami elképesztő mennyiségű új skint rejtett, de nézzétek meg magatok a teljes listát:

Operation Broken Fang láda

M4A1-S I Printstream by JTPNZ


Glock 18 I Neo-noir by donschi and Blazer

csgo new skins

M4A4 I Cyber Security by Conne and 11it

csgo skins

USP-S I Monster Mashup by Nextgenz

csgo pistol skins

Five-Seven I Fairy Tale by Rafok

new skins counter strike

UMP-45 I Gold Bismuth by G-99 Factory

csgo skin ump 45

SSG 08 I Parallax by kosear

ssg 08 skins

Berettas I Dezastre by Des and el_tus

berettas csgo

AWP I Exoskeleton by Rozzy

awp csgo skins

Nova I Clear Polymer by Strenson

nova csgo skins

MP5-SD I Condition Zero by Andy and tanapta

MP5 SD csgo

M249 I Deep Relief by Teo and VisHomin

M249 csgo skins

P250 I Contaminant by Kiku

pistol skins csgo

Galil AR I Vandal by MONIKA

galil ar skins

G3SG1 I Digital Mesh by hexeth


P90 I Cocoa Rampage by .krM5 and mara_der

P90 skins

CZ75 I Vendetta by emu

CZ75 skins


Broken Fang Gloves Set

CSGO broken fang gloves

Operation Broken Fang Control kollekció

Control A4A1-S Blue Phosphor

Operation Broken Fang Control collection A4A1-S Blue Phosphor


Control UMP-45 Crime Scene Operation Broken Fang Control collection UMP-45 Crime Scene

Control USPS Target Acquired

 Operation Broken Fang Control collection

Control 57 Berries and Cherries

Operation Broken Fang Control collection 57 Berries and Cherries
Control FAMAS Prime Conspiracy

Operation Broken Fang Control collection FAMAS Prime Conspiracy

Control SCAR-20 Magna Carta

Operation Broken Fang Control collection SCAR-20 Magna Carta
Control P2000 Dispatch

Operation Broken Fang Control collection Dispatch


Control SSG08 Threat Detected


Operation Broken Fang Control collection Control SSG08 Threat Detected

Control M4A4 Global Offensive

Operation Broken Fang Control collection M4A4 Global Offensive

Control MAG-7 Carbon Fiber

Operation Broken Fang Control collection MAG-7 Carbon Fiber

Control MP5-SD Nitro

Operation Broken Fang Control collection MP5-SD Nitro


Control Dualies Dial Berettas Switch Board

Operation Broken Fang Control collection Dualies Dial Berettas Switch Board

Control Deagle The Bronze

Operation Broken Fang Control collection Deagle The Bronze

Control CZ75-Auto Jungle Dashed


Operation Broken Fang Control collection CZ75-Auto Jungle Dashed
Control P250  Forest Night

Operation Broken Fang Control collection P250  Forst Night

Control MP9 Army Sheen

Operation Broken Fang Control collection MP9 Army Sheen


Control AUG  Surveillance

Operation Broken Fang Control collection aug

Control XM1014 Charter

Operation Broken Fang Control collection xm

Control AWP Fade

control awp fade

Operation Broken Fang Ancient kollekció

M4A1-S I Welcome to the Jungle

M4A1-S csgo

AK-47 I Panthera onca

ak-47 csgo

P90 I Run and Hide

Ancient collection P90

USP-S I Ancient Visions

csgo skins

MAC-10 I Gold Brick

mac 10 csgo

XM1014 I Ancient Lore

xm csgo skin

FAMAS I Dark Water

famas csgo

Galil AR I Dusk Ruins

galil ar

AUG I Carved Jade

ancient csgo

Tec-9 I Blast from the Past

tec 9 csgo

CZ75-Auto I Silver

silver csgo

G3SG1 I Ancient Ritual


MP7 I Tall Grass

mp7 tall grass

P2000 I Panther camo


R8 Revolver I Night


SSG 08 I Jungle Dashed

ssg 08

Nova I Army Sheen

nova csgo

SG 553 I Lush Ruins

sg csgo

P90 I Ancient Earth

